Tag Archives: money

Jim, Deb & Kevin Wanna Make You a Millionaire

Jim, Deb & Kevin Wanna Make You a Millionaire

Listen Monday at 7:10 am as we reveal our Mega Millions numbers! If we win, we split the money 50/50 (after taxes) with our partners who were randomly selected from our listening audience! 💰💲💰💲💰💲 Envelopes remain locked in our safe over the weekend! 🗝️    MORE

Put Your Card Away Because Deb & Metro PCS are Paying

You’ve heard of paying it forward in the drive-thru, but how about paying it forward at the grocery store? That’s exactly what happened this week when Deb and her friends from Metro PCS went looking for YOU shopping for groceries! We found Connie and her two sweet boys at a nearby Kroger, and stopped her…MORE

Valentine’s Day Week: Love it or Dread it?

Valentine’s Day Week: Love it or Dread it?

It’s Valentine’s Day Week! Love it or Dread it? Jim claims it’s amateur day because you should show love all year long. (Uh, Jim, we still don’t recommend SKIPPING Valentine’s Day altogether. You don’t have to spend a ton of money to make someone feel special, even though a new survey shows the average person…MORE

Blake Shelton Adds “Money” to His Bank of New Tunes [Listen]

Blake Shelton Adds “Money” to His Bank of New Tunes [Listen]

T minus one day until Blake Shelton drops his new studio album, Texoma Shore, on Nov. 3. Blake has already given fans a taste of three songs from the new album: “I’ll Name the Dogs,” “At the House” and “Turnin’ Me On.” Blake is keeping the partying going today (Nov. 2) with the release of…MORE
