Tag Archives: love

Your Favorite Ice Cream Says A Lot About You Apparently

Your Favorite Ice Cream Says A Lot About You Apparently

A new survey shows some weird stuff about you based on whether you prefer chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla ice cream. I’m not saying this is science, but it’s fun to see if it actually makes sense for your own personality… Chocolate Lovers: find love at age 26. pick “truth” in Truth-Or-Dare. watch rom-coms. listen to…MORE

Do THIS Every Day to Keep Romance Alive

Do THIS Every Day to Keep Romance Alive

Wanna keep your significant other happy? We’ve got the secret recipe, and it won’t cost you a dime! Ready to hear it? Call them THREE times a day. That’s it! Sounds simple, but that’s all it takes. We’re not talking a text message, but an actual phone call. They need to hear your voice in…MORE

Valentine’s Day Week: Love it or Dread it?

Valentine’s Day Week: Love it or Dread it?

It’s Valentine’s Day Week! Love it or Dread it? Jim claims it’s amateur day because you should show love all year long. (Uh, Jim, we still don’t recommend SKIPPING Valentine’s Day altogether. You don’t have to spend a ton of money to make someone feel special, even though a new survey shows the average person…MORE
