July 1 is right around the corner. … MORE

July 1 is right around the corner. … MORE
There could be something BIG in it for you when you get your shot at CVS or Kroger!… MORE
Loss of smell and taste is probably derailing to many people’s lives, but it seems this new free book could be a solid option for the people still experiencing Covid symptoms even after recovering from Covid.… MORE
Not a fan of needles? The COVID shot could change up in the future.… MORE
Here’s a quick look at newest recommendations for spending times with others when you’ve received all doses of a COVID vaccine.… MORE
We don’t want to see leftover vaccines get wasted and that leaves room for some people get it earlier!… MORE
There will be some challenges along the way, but it’s in the works for 2021. Think about it before you plan your next trip!… MORE
If you have Holiday plans outside of Indiana, be ready to meet these guidelines.… MORE
It’s another pandemic adjustment to a holiday, but I could see this one staying in place. Will you be partaking in trick-or-treating this year? This could help!… MORE
New studies have looked at what blood types experience more severe COVID-19 symptoms. Suddenly, you’ll be interested to know what yours is.… MORE