If you already like true crime, this one-day JOB might be a good fit for you… plus the hourly rate is NUTS.… MORE

If you already like true crime, this one-day JOB might be a good fit for you… plus the hourly rate is NUTS.… MORE
New month, new movies… and shows, documentaries, and a lot of Anime. See the originals coming this month!… MORE
Not a fan of needles? The COVID shot could change up in the future.… MORE
Waiting for that third payment? Click here to find out where it’s at!… MORE
Watch out Chick Fil A, Popeyes, KFC, Burger King, McDonald’s… And you know, EVERYONE else with a chicken sandwich in the game.… MORE
Here’s a quick look at newest recommendations for spending times with others when you’ve received all doses of a COVID vaccine.… MORE
We don’t want to see leftover vaccines get wasted and that leaves room for some people get it earlier!… MORE
It’s time to get closure on your ex… Happy Valentine’s Day to you AND these animals!… MORE
Who needs flowers and chocolate when you can have a salad? Am I right? Get yours in time for V Day 2021. LOL.… MORE
Not exactly the diet and exercise your New Year’s resolution called for, but money’s money… Right?… MORE