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These Royal KFC Buckets are Cool, But Good Luck Getting One

In honor of this week’s Royal Wedding, KFC had the genius idea of creating a very regal-looking bucket for it’s tasty chicken, after hearing that Prince Harry proposed to Megan Markle over a dinner of roast chicken. (Who knew that all it takes for a romantic evening is a roast chicken and a diamond ring? Hot air balloons? Fancy beach vacation? Nahhhhh. That’s so LAST year.

Chicken is where it’s at, folks.

Anyway, the only prob with KFC’s fun marketing gimmick? They are only having 50 buckets designed, and they will only be available at KFC’s Windsor location.

Dang it! WHAT FUN IS THAT???

So, no Royal KFC, but we may enjoy some banana ice cream after hearing Harry & Megan have requested the dish at their festivities because they both love bananas.

Other than attending Jason Aldean’s show Saturday evening, will YOU be watching the Royal wedding that morning?
