Indy’s Morning Show: New Year, New Team!

Today we start a brand new morning show on WFMS! Join Indy’s Morning Show with Deb, Kevin, & Matt each weekday starting at 6 am. We are excited, so much so that none of us really slept well! It’s similar to having first day of school butterflies, minus the loud, crowded bus ride into school.

We will make mistakes? Yep. But, we’ll handle it like any other time, pointing out each other’s flaws and endless ribbing! After all, what are friends for?

Today we learned that Matt drinks his coffee black, except on days he’s feeling bougie (he claims this happens once a month), when he grabs a ‘Starbz’ (his word, not Debs) and orders an iced cararmel macchiato. Deb likes cream & sugar in her coffee at work, and Kev, well, he likes his FREE.

Who’s surprised?

Join us & let’s have some fun!
