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Kettle Special Sauce Condiment Chips

still life with tasty traditional potato chips snacks

I’m so excited to be in Indy and I can’t wait to see all the things and meet all the people! Slowly, but surely, I will let you in on who I am and all my insane quirks. For one… I could eat a condiment sandwich. Like, for real, i’ve gone to McDonald’s and ordered a hamburger without the meat. I much prefer the bun with ketchup, mustard, pickles and onion.

I reveal this to you because i’m a little too excited about Kettle Potato Chips’ new flavor. The new flavor could be called Condiment, but it’s called Sauce. The flavor is a combination of BBQ and honey mustard sauces and ketchup. This is in honor of National BBQ month. Wow! I think i’ve got a Memorial Day tailgate idea! How about a hamburger bun with condiments and these chips crunched up! Are you sure you want me here in Indianapolis?!


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