A Company Will Implant A Payment Chip In Your Hand For $200


Most people would probably balk at the idea of getting a microchip implanted into their body. In fact, I’m generally weary of the idea. However, if this company or idea ever comes to America, I think I might fork over the money and have it done.

Walletmor is a British company that is currently offering individuals in Poland the chance to get the microchip, which is about the size of a grain of rice, implanted into their hand. The procedure is quick and costs around 200 American dollars.

Once the chip is activated, you transfer funds to a digital wallet and scan your hand to purchase items according to a Newsweek article.

As someone who constantly loses things, and whose credit card is currently out there in the ether, this is a solution that just makes sense to me. But, I can absolutely see why other people would be hesitant.

As long as most vendors accept robot hand payment, I am on board to try it out.
