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Colts Lower Fan Capacity Down To 5%

lucas oil stadium
(Image by Sopotniccy from Depositphotos)

By @emilyontheradio

Lucas Oil Stadium normally accommodates 63,000 fans, but with COVID-19 wreaking havoc we won’t see those kinds of numbers in seats. The Colts have evaluated how many fans they are comfortable having in seats. The number had gotten down to 15% capacity… And now it’s at 5%. According to Fox59, that means 2,500 fans at a game.

You start to ask yourself when they will drop it down to no fans like the Indy 500.

Other NFL teams are faced with similar choices to make, but many have nixed fans altogether with the possibility of opening up capacity later in the season (provided things get better in public health).

Click here for Coach Reich’s thoughts on maintaining a positive attitude for all this.



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