Guy Demands Girlfriend Pay Him $250 For Mistakenly Washing His Airpods

Everybody makes mistakes. Unfortunately, that isn’t enough for this guy.

According to Newsweek, a man is expecting his girlfriend to pay him $250 for accidentally washing his Airpods. He explains that she did the laundry and failed to realize that his Airpods were in the pocket of his sweatpants, thereby ruining the headphones.

He’s laying all the blame on his girlfriend, saying he didn’t remember they were in the sweatpants, and blasted her for being so “clueless” as to not check his pockets first before doing the wash. While she claimed it was an “honest mistake,” he noted it was one that “cost me $250.” He then demanded she give him $250 for the ruined Airpods, noting, “If this was a job and you cost them money they would fire you and make you pay them back. No expectations [sic] here just because I’m her boyfriend [in my opinion].”

Honestly, one of my biggest fears of owning Airpods would be either losing them or doing something like this. Pretty immature for him to react this way though. What do you week?
