At some point gender reveal videos will calm down. But, that point hasn’t happened yet and they are still all the rage.
So, it’s kind of surprising to me that a recent reveal on stage is a first for Old Dominion. A couple brought a cheeky sign to a show which caught the attention of the band.
Matthew Ramsey grabbed the sign and was happy to help out with the reveal, although he was admittedly a little nervous.
If you want to see what the couple is having, check out the video below.
My favorite part is the hashtag in the tweet…
This was fun! 👶 #genderreveal #justbecausewediditoncedoesntmeanwewilldoitforeveryone pic.twitter.com/xzU9HijUY2
— Old Dominion (@OldDominion) February 10, 2020