Deb Found a New Way to Burn Calories and Doesn’t Even Hate it

Hey there! It’s Deb…

Heard of The Fitness Marshall? If not, about 1 million others beat ya to it!

Caleb Marshall is the latest fitness pop sensation on YouTube with over one million fans and his own reality show! The native of Marion, Indiana, and Indiana University graduate is getting us off the couch and on our feet, burning calories while dancing to popular music and, believe it or not, LOVING it.

I discovered The Fitness Marshall a few months back when a friend sent me a link to one of his workouts and I was hooked. No joke, I actually look forward to exercise now. (No, I’m not being held hostage and no one paid me to say that.) Who wouldn’t want to get in shape AND have fun at the same time? You will love Caleb’s hilarious commentary (‘Go to Church!’ and ‘Hide your Face!’ (from the haters, of course!) Those are two of my faves, all while sweating to some fun music and being entertained all at the same time.

Check it out for yourself!

Last week, I was dancing to The Fitness Marshall (to this Usher song) and thought I was alone, when I suddenly heard my husband’s voice: ‘GET IT, DEB!’ Bwahahahahaha Hey, there’s a reason I don’t have a gym membership. Dancing and working out in the privacy of my own home is probably best.

Give The Fitness Marshall a try and let me know what you think via email: ( Finally, something I can enjoy that allows me to continue my bad habit of carrot cake indulgence! (By the way, all of Caleb’s videos are FREE on YouTube!)




