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Kevin has Fun with Deb’s Phone, but the Joke’s On Him

Have you ever left your phone out in the open, only for your friend or co-worker to have some fun at your expense? I know the feeling…

I got busy at work yesterday, and left my phone laying in the studio here at WFMS, only to find a little gift when I later scrolled through my photos. Kevin, the innocent-acting instigator around this place, thought it would be fun to take a (very close-up) selfie. He also thought it was funny to tell me I might want to consider using a security code in the future. He was quite proud of himself.

Oh, but not so fast, Kevin. Turns out, the joke’s on you!

Ironically, Kevin called in sick today (Speedway flu, anyone?) on the same day that it just so happens to be sunny & 80 degrees. Our first really nice day in months! Coincidence? Maybe. But, since my buddy left me a lovely photo of himself, I figured we would have some fun with it, just in case he took a ‘me’ day today and he’s really on the golf course. Not that he does such a thing on the daily, or even ever, but I should’t keep his smiling mug all to myself! It’s a GIFT! Things like this should be shared with the rest of the world, right?

***Insert you nodding your head YES right here***

The photo Kevin took on Deb’s cellphone.

You can thank Kevin when you see him! (PS. He may have a sunburn, just sayin.’)



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